Donation from Twist Yarns of Intrigue

Knitting in Recovery just received yet another generous donation of tons of gorgeous, soft, and cozy yarn from Twist Yarns of Intrigue in Manhattan Beach.  We are so grateful to have such selfless community members supporting our program.

Just like any knitter or crocheter, our clients love getting new yarn.  Every time we bring in a donation, it’s like Christmas for them.  This time, some of the yarn from the donation might just be used for Christmas and holiday presents!  One of the best parts of Knitting in Recovery is that yarn donated to our clients is often used to make hats, scarves, and blankets that are then donated to others less fortunate.  It really is a community-strengthening process that spreads love to all it touches.

Many thanks again to Twist Yarns of Intrigue for the donation.

Pussyhats for Women’s March


After the 2016 election, (and certain conversations with Billy Bush) women across the nation started knitting and crocheting bright pink beanies with two angular cat ears in anticipation of wearing them at the March on Washington aka Women’s March on Inauguration Day. These neon feline hats are called pussyhats.  According to the founders of the movement, “The idea is both a play on pussyhat, pussycat, and also references the hot mic from the Access Hollywood video. It does reference Donald Trump and those comments, but it’s also so much more.  It’s reappropriating the word ‘pussy’ in a positive way. It’s a pussyhat — one word. This is a project about women supporting women.”

The pussyhat is a symbol of support and solidarity for women’s rights and political resistance. “If everyone at the march wears a pink hat, the crowd will be a sea of pink, showing that we stand together, united,” reads the Pussyhat Project website.

Women who could not attend the march in DC on Inauguration day were also encouraged to knit or crochet pussyhats to send to marchers, which broadened the scope of the activism around the project.

Knitting in Recovery volunteers and our clients from New Visions and Project Understanding knit and crocheted around 40 hats.  The hats were then gifted to Kristin, a friend of Knitting in Recovery’s founder, who then took the hats with her to Washington DC and handed them out to marchers at the Inauguration Day march.


Kristin and her daughter, Violet, even made the local paper in their pussyhats for the attendance of the DC march

Simultaneous marches were held around the world for those who could not attend the Women’s March in DC.

Knitting in Recovery founder, Lise Solvang, even took some pussyhats with her to her sister’s small town in Norway, where local residents marched.  There was an even larger march in Oslo, Norway.



Locals in Norway donning their pussyhats in solidarity with American women protesting Donald Trump’s misogyny


Knitting in Recovery at the Ventura County Fair 2017

The Knitting in Recovery ladies at New Visions had another great year at the Ventura County Fair!  Katherine, Charmane, and LaDonna each entered several pieces and each were awarded multiple ribbons (1sts, 2nds, and 3rds) along with many honorable mentions by the judges for their exceptional work.

The ladies look forward to the fair all year and receive a great sense of pride from showing their work alongside their fellow knitters and crocheters across the county.  LaDonna has the longest standing history of entering things in the fair–this was her twenty-eighth consecutive year entering.  Next year she plans on making a tapestry with all of her fair ribbons from the course of her career and entering that in the 2018 fair.

Aside from her ribbons, Katherine also had a big fair accomplishment.  Katherine has recently taken on teaching Knitting in Recovery classes at Castillo del Sol-Quality of Life.  One of her students entered the very first blanket she had ever crocheted in the fair this year.


Katherine’s student, entering her first blanket in the Ventura County Fair.

Evolve YarnBombing

Super Fun YarnBombing with the teens at Evolve for The Holidays! They did such a great job, making pom pom’s, crocheting doilies and finger crocheting long vines. It looks so great and is putting smiles on a lot of people’s faces.

Ribbon Prizes at Ventura County Fair

Luanne's Blue Ribbon Shrug

So proud of my wonderful clients who won ribbons for their crochet and knit items at the Ventura County Fair 2015.

Here is Luanne Pontbriant who knit and designed her first shrug, and it won First Prize. Luanne got a Blue Ribbon!

LaDonna's Red Ribbon Dress

And here is Ladonna from Turning Point Foundation and the New Visions program, who won Second Prize for her beautiful crocheted Baby Dress.                                                            She got a Red Ribbon!

LaDonna's Red Ribbon Booties

……And Ladonna also won Second Prize and a red Ribbon for her crocheted Baby Booties!

Congratulations Girls! You are amazing!

Knitting for Alaska

Luanne's Blanket 2.jpg

This is one of my favorite Baby Blankets that is being sent to the women and children in Shelters in Alaska and British Columbia that our Women in Recovery group has adopted

Luanne's Blanket 3

Knitted with the Loving Hands and Tender Heart of Luanne Pontbriant, some little baby will be very safe, warm and extra loved!

Luanne's Blanket 1